Kritika Handa

Secrets Of World’s Most Captivating Tribal Cultures

he Himba tribe of Namibia is known for their red ochre body paint and intricate hairstyles, and live in the Kaokoland region where they herd cattle and farm.

The Himba Tribe of Namibia

The Maori people are the indigenous Polynesian inhabitants of New Zealand with a rich cultural heritage including intricate tattooing and wood carving traditions.

The Maori of New Zealand

The Mursi people of Ethiopia are known for their striking lip plates worn by women, which can be up to 8 inches in diameter and are inserted into the lower lip at a young age.

The Mursi of Ethiopia

The Kayapo people of Brazil are an indigenous tribe living in the Amazon rainforest with a strong connection to the natural environment and rely on hunting, fishing, and agriculture.

The Kayapo of Brazil

Practice elaborate body painting and wear traditional wigs to honor their ancestors, believing the spirits inhabit their ceremonial attire.

The Huli of Papua New Guinea

Revere cattle as a sacred gift from their deity, Enkai, with rituals and ceremonies to maintain their spiritual and social balance.

The Maasai of Kenya