Kritika Handa

Secret Recipes To Make Your Homes Smell Good At All Times

Natural air freshener eliminating odors and moisture.

Baking Soda and Lemon

Releases fragrance continuously through ultrasonic technology.

Essential Oil Diffuser

Absorbs odors and moisture through porous and adsorbent properties.

Activated Charcoal

Warm and cozy ambiance through fragrant wax and essential oils

Scented Candles

 Blend of dried flowers, herbs, and spices creating a flowerful fragrance.

Potpourri Mix

 Blend of dried flowers, herbs, and spices creating a flowerful fragrance.

Potpourri Mix

 Blend of dried flowers, herbs, and spices creating a flowerful fragrance.

Potpourri Mix

Know Your Lucky Flower Based On Your Zodiac