Safety Tips For Driving In Dense Fog

Slow down well below the posted speed limit. Reduced speed allows you to react quickly to unexpected obstacles or changes in road conditions

Maintain a greater following distance than usual to provide ample time to react to the brake lights of the vehicle in front of you. Fog can make it harder to judge distances

Use low-beam headlights, as high beams can create glare and further reduce visibility. Some vehicles have fog lights that can be used to improve visibility in foggy conditions

Keep your windshield clear by using defrosters to prevent fogging and wipers to clear moisture from the windshield. Use windshield washer fluid to maintain visibility

Follow road markings and stay within your lane. Avoid changing lanes unless absolutely necessary, and use your turn signals well in advance

Check weather reports before your journey, and if possible, delay your trip until conditions improve. Be aware of any advisories or warnings issued by local authorities

Minimize distractions inside the vehicle. Focus on the road, and avoid using electronic devices or engaging in activities that take your attention away from driving

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