Sacred Animals That Are Worshipped Around The World

Rishika Baranwal

Cows - Holy in Hinduism

In India, cows are symbols of non-violence and motherhood, revered in Hindu culture.

Cats - Sacred in Ancient Egypt

Cats, linked to the goddess Bastet, were protectors against evil and symbols of good fortune.

Dogs - Celebrated in Nepal's Kukur Tihar

During Tihar, dogs are worshipped for their loyalty, adorned with garlands and tika.

Elephants - Revered in Hinduism and Buddhism

Elephants symbolize wisdom and strength, associated with the god Ganesha in Hinduism and mental tranquility in Buddhism.

Goats - Sacrificial Symbols

Goats are used in sacrificial rituals in many cultures to honor deities and ensure prosperity.

Monkeys - Divine in Hinduism

Monkeys are linked to Lord Hanuman, the monkey god, and are worshipped in many Indian temples.