Prashant Mishra

 Reasons Your Child May Be Losing Interest In Studies

Studies that seem disconnected from the interests or daily life of the child, can lead to disengagement. It is very important to make learning meaningful by relating it to real life scenarios and personal experiences.

Lack of Relevance

The Pressure Gets Over Him

Too much pressure from parents, teachers or peers can overwhelm children, which results in stress and apathy towards studies. 

Learning Disabilities

Undiagnosed learning disabilities or challenges can significantly affect a child's ability to continue their studies.

A monotonous learning environment without variety and stimulation can quickly lead to boredom. 

Monotonous learning environment

Lack of Clear Goals

Without clear goals or a sense of purpose, it can be difficult to keep kids motivated. Helping a child set achievable short-term and long-term goals can provide direction and a sense of accomplishment.

Distracting technologies

Too much screen time and digital distractions can distract from learning. Creating screen-free zones and setting limits on device use can help create an environment conducive to focused learning.

Slippage: peer influence

Peer pressure and social dynamics can affect a child's attitude towards researchers.