Reasons Why Your Hair Falls More In Monsoon

Rishika Baranwal

Increased Humidity

The high humidity levels in the air during monsoon weaken the hair roots, making your hair more prone to breakage and fall.

Scalp Infections

Frequent exposure to rain can lead to fungal and bacterial infections on the scalp, which can weaken hair roots and cause hair fall.

Frizzy Hair

Humidity causes frizziness, leading to more tangles and knots. Excessive brushing to detangle can result in more hair fall.

Excessive Hair Washing

During monsoon, you may wash your hair more often to feel fresh, but this strips away natural oils, leaving your scalp dry and your hair brittle.

Poor Diet

The monsoon diet often lacks essential nutrients like iron, zinc, and vitamins, which are crucial for healthy hair growth, leading to increased hair fall.

Stress and Anxiety

The gloomy weather can elevate stress and anxiety levels, which are directly linked to hair fall. Stress causes the hair follicles to enter the resting phase prematurely, leading to more shedding.