Reasons to Avoid Drinking Refrigerated Water

Rishika Baranwal

Risks of Refrigerated Water

Reaching for a cold glass of water can be tempting, especially in the heat. However, there are health reasons to think twice before drinking refrigerated water.

Digestive Issues

Cold water constricts blood vessels and slows digestion. Room temperature water aids smoother digestion.

Slowed Metabolism

Your body uses extra energy to warm up cold water, lowering metabolic efficiency. Warm water supports better metabolism.

Sore Throat and Congestion

Cold water irritates mucous membranes, causing sore throat and congestion. Warm water helps prevent these issues.

Reduced Immunity

Cold water can weaken your immune system, making you more susceptible to illnesses. Room temperature water maintains immune defenses.

Decreased Hydration

Cold water may reduce your desire to drink, leading to less hydration. Room temperature water encourages consistent drinking.

Aggravates Conditions

Cold water can trigger discomfort in migraines and sensitive teeth. Warm water is gentler on these conditions.

Optimal Health Benefits

Switching to room temperature or warm water can improve digestion, metabolism, and overall health.