Kritika Handa

Rare Freshwater Fishes For Home Aquariums

Threadfin Acara

Exotic and peaceful, Threadfin Acara boasts vibrant fins and a striking appearance, perfect for rare fish enthusiasts.

Badis Badis

Native to India, Badis Badis is a rare and colorful fish with distinctive markings and a unique appearance.

Dwarf Pufferfish

Small but fascinating, Dwarf Pufferfish are rare and entertaining additions to home aquariums, with their unique "puffing" ability.

Glass Catfish

Transparent and ethereal, Glass Catfish are rare and mesmerizing, with their ghostly appearance and peaceful nature.

Amano Shrimp

Rare and tiny, Amano Shrimp are coveted for their vibrant colors and ability to clean algae from aquariums.

Peacock Gudgeon

Vibrant and iridescent, Peacock Gudgeon are rare and stunning, with their shimmering scales and peaceful demeanor.

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