Kritika Handa

⁠Plants That Grow In All Soil Types

Lavender is a hardy herb that thrives in well-drained soils, preferring slightly alkaline conditions for optimal growth.


Aloe vera is a succulent plant adaptable to various soil types, including sandy and rocky soils, known for its medicinal gel used in skincare and healing.

Aloe Vera

Calendula is a versatile flower that grows in all soil types, from loamy to clayey, offering bright blooms for both culinary and medicinal purposes.


Achillea is a hardy perennial that thrives in diverse soils, from sandy to loamy, attracting pollinators with its delicate, feathery flowers.


Tomatoes are adaptable plants that grow in various soil types, requiring well-drained soil and ample sunlight to produce flavorful fruits.
