Oldest Mammals Across The Globe


Marsupials Marsupials, which give birth to relatively undeveloped young that then continue to develop in a pouch, have been around for about 125 million years. Examples include kangaroos, koalas, and opossums

Placental Mammals Placental mammals, which nourish their developing offspring through a placenta in the womb, have been around for approximately 100 million years. This group includes a vast array of mammals such as rodents, primates, carnivores, and more

Bats Bats, the only flying mammals, have a long evolutionary history, dating back around 50 million years. They play a crucial role in various ecosystems as pollinators and insect controllers

Elephants Elephants, represented by both the African and Asian species, have a lineage that dates back around 55 million years. They are the largest living land mammals

Monotremes Monotremes are a group of egg-laying mammals that include the platypus and echidnas. They are considered some of the most primitive mammals and have existed for around 210 million years

Whales Whales, including both toothed and baleen whales, have evolved from land-dwelling ancestors around 50 million years ago. They are well-adapted to aquatic life

Primates Primates, including humans, have a long evolutionary history that goes back around 65 million years. While the earliest primates were small, tree-dwelling animals, the group has diversified over time into various forms, including lemurs, monkeys, and apes