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Numerology Today March 5, 2023:  Some exceptional events will bring you to a new beginning! Know your day as per your birth date...

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Numerology Today March 5, 2023:  According to numerology, how will be the day today?  Will the love affair in your life be sweet today?  Will your health decline?  There will be a change in your financial condition.  We will know all this according to Numerology. Number  6 is owned by Venus.

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Number - 1 Sun is the lord of number. Hard work will get results. Be patient. Money situation will be serious. Keep sweetness in speech. Walk away from unnecessary controversy. Lucky colour - yellow Remedy- Donate pomegranate.

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Number - 2 Moon is the lord of number. There will be profit in job and business. Can make new plans. There will be changes in the economic situation. The day will be good in love relationship. Lucky Colour- Light Blue Remedy- Donate wheat.

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Number - 3 Jupiter is the lord of number. There will be profit in career. Chances of advancement in job. Money will be benefited from elders. There will be enthusiasm in love affairs. Lucky Colour- Saffron Remedy- Recite Aditya Hridaya Stotra.

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Number - 4 Rahu is the lord of number. Will get benefits in career. Along with this, challenges will also come. There will be money gain. There can be trouble in love affairs. Health will be good. Lucky Colour- Brown Remedy- Donate wheat.

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Number- 5 Mercury is the lord of number. Will get success in the workplace. Yoga of promotion. There will be enthusiasm in business. Old unfinished work can be completed. There will be improvement in married life. Will spend time with lover. , Lucky colour - green Remedy- Worship Goddess Kali.

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Number - 6 Venus is the lord of number. Need to work hard in career. Success will be achieved in the economic situation. Can take important decisions in love relationship. Lucky colour: Grey Remedy- Offer liquor to Bhairav Nath ji.

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Number  7 Ketu is the lord of number. There will be good news in career. Old incomplete works will be done. Travel expenses can be high. Unmarried are likely to get desired relationship. Lucky Colour- Cream Remedy- Donate salt.

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Number - 8 Saturn is the lord of number. There can be promotions in the field. The financial condition is looking better. There will be improvement in love and married life. Health will improve. Lucky color - purple Remedy- Recite Aditya Hridaya Stotra.

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Number- 9 Mars is the lord of the zodiac. Career advancement can be achieved. The cooperation of female friend will remain. There will be sweetness in love relationships. You can plan to go somewhere with your lover. Lucky colour - orange Remedy- Worship Kaal Bhairav ji.