Numerology Today June 9, 2023: Know your day here!

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Number - 1 Sun is the lord. Honor will be received in the workplace. Best time to add money. There will be sweetness in family life. Control your speech and anger. Lucky Colour- Light Pink Remedy- Donate sugar.

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Number - 2 Moon is the lord. There can be conflict in job and business. Be careful of the people around you. Let's go after saving money. Can meet an old friend. But control anger. Lucky Colour- Pearl White Remedy- Donate honey.

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Number - 3 Jupiter is the lord. Success can be achieved in job and business. Keep working hard and keep moving forward. Best time to invest. Family and marital relations will be sweet. Lucky colour - Yellow Remedy- Offer food to Brahmins.

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Number - 4 Rahu is the lord. Don't start a new job in business today. Not a good time to take a loan. Possibility of sudden wealth. Family members will be with you. Lucky Colour- Brown Remedy- Donate green fodder to mother cow.

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Number- 5 Mercury is the lord. Interview likely to go well. Chances of getting a job as well. There will be profit in business. Can come closer in love relationships. Will feel stress free. Lucky Colour- Light Red Remedy- Mix wheat in water and keep Suryanarayan.

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Number - 6 Venus is the lord. Will get benefits in career. Spoiled work will be done. Progress in business. The wishes of those looking for love will be fulfilled. Today there is a chance of getting a child in married life. lucky colour - Pink Remedy- Recite Kanak Dhara Stotra.

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Number  7 Ketu is the lord. Will feel stressed in career. Avoid enemies in business. You may be criticised in the workplace. Money can be cheated. Keep the mind calm. lucky colour - Purple Remedy- Worship Goddess Lakshmi.

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Number - 8 Saturn is the lord. You can get a sudden promotion at the workplace. There will be profit in business. Money will come and stop. There can be discord in the family. Health will be good. Lucky Colour- Light Blue Remedy- Donate copper.

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Number- 9 Mars is the lord of the zodiac. Good news related to job can come. Will get profit in business. Don't spend unnecessary money. New relationship will start. Don't get angry too much. lucky colour - Red Remedy- Place Batashe under the God Peepal tree.