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Numerology Today February 17, 2023:  Pay attention to who you meet next! know your day according to your birth date

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Today is February 17, 2023, the day is Friday. How will be your life. With whom will you be friends and with whom will you have enmity. And many more you can know that by digit scripture. Today we will know how will be your day according to numerology. By adding the digits, the number of the date becomes 8.

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Number - 1 You will get respect in the work area. Do not spend unnecessary money, this is the best time to add money. There will be sweetness in family life. Problems related to eye and liver may arise. Lucky Colour: Light Pink Remedy: Donate sugar.

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Number - 2 There can be conflict in job and business. The economic situation will be mixed. Need to control anger. You may lose your friends.Do not eat too many sweets Lucly colour: pearly white Remedy: Donate honey.

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Number - 3 Today success can be achieved, there will be profit in business. The economic situation will improve. This time will be best for investment. Family and marital relationships will be sweet Lucky colour: Yellow Remedy: Offer food to Brahmins.

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Number - 4 There is a need to work hard at the workplace. Don't start a new business today. If you want to invest money somewhere or planning to take a loan, then it is not good time. Family members will be with you. Take care of your health Lucky Colour: Brown Remedy: Donate green fodder to mother cow.

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Number- 5 There will be benefits in the work area. Interview is likely to go well. There will be profit in economic situation. Relationships will be sweet. You will feel stress free. Lucky colour: Light red Remedy: Keep Suryanarayan mixed with wheat in water.

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Number - 6 Benefit will be received, spoiled work will be done. There will be benefit in the economic situation. Will meet lover If you were looking for love You will be energetic Lucky colour: Pink Remedy: Read Kanak Dhara Stotra.

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Number  7 Will feel stressed in career. Avoid enemies in business. Do not trust anyone regarding money. avoid eating outside food. Lucky Colour: Purple Remedy: Worship Goddess Lakshmi.

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Number - 8 You can get a sudden promotion at work, there will be profit in business. The situation will be serious regarding money, money will stop coming and going, due to which there can be tension. there can be discord in the family today Lucky Colour: Light blue Remedy Donate copper..

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Number- 9 You will get success in the job. Today you can get a job, this good news related to job can come. Take care of the economic situation and do not spend unnecessary money. A new relationship will start Lucky Colour: Red Remedy: Keep Batashe under the God Peepal tree.