Numerology Today, 21 December, 2022: Number 1, 5! Planets are bringing you financial success!

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Number 1 Hinderence in promotions; financial condition will be improved; can spend evening with friends; problems related to eyes and bones can arise; lucky color – orange; Remedy Donate wheat.

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Number 2 Need to work hard; financial situation is not stable; control your speech; problems of cold can arise; Lucky color light pink; Remedy- Offer Kheer to Lord Ganesha.

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Number 3 Will get promotion or transfer in the job; economic situation will be better; possibility of rift in love relationship, family; bone related problems can arise; lucky color- yellow; remedy Donate Banana

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Number 4 You can start a new; stalled money will be back;  old disputes will end and happiness will come; health will be good; lucky color pink; Remedy Apply saffron tilak on the forehead.

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Number 5 Success will be achieved in the work area; economic condition will be strong; will spend time with lover; will feel stress free; Lucky color light green; Remedy Put a pinch of turmeric in water and take a bath.

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Number 6 Need to work hard; financial condition will be better; can spend time with lover; if yor are diabetic patients, then take constant care of your health; Licky color Bright white; Remedy Chant the seed mantra of Lord Ganesha.

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Number  7 Old incomplete works will be done; mind the expenditure of money; time is favorable for unmarried people; mental stress can arise; Lucky colour-complexion cream; Remedy Donate wheat.

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Number 8 can get promotion in work; financial condition will be better;  will spend the evening with family members; do yoga, meditation; lucky color blue; Remedy Keep a lump of turmeric in your pocket.

Number 9 Anger can spoil your work; possibility of money gain; plan to go somewhere with your lover; mental stress will reduce; lucky color – red; Remedy While leaving the house, definitely eat honey.

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