Numerology, 21 July 2023: Get new opportunities; know your day

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Number - 1 Sun is the lord. The day will be perfect. Honor will be received in the workplace. Money can be beneficial. Control your speech and anger. Lucky Colour- Light Pink Remedy- Buy sugar and bring it

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Number - 2 Moon is the lord. There can be conflict in job and business. Let's save money. Can meet an old friend. Take care of your health. Lucky Colour- Pearl White Remedy- Donate honey

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Number - 3 Jupiter is the lord. Career success. New work is likely to come. Stalled money will come back. Best time to invest. Family and marital relations will be sweet. Lucky Colour - Yellow Remedy- Offer Mishri Saunf to Mata Lakshmi.

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Number - 4 Rahu is the lord. Need to work hard in the workplace. Not the right time to invest money anywhere. Suddenly the sum of money gain. Best day in terms of love relationship. Lucky Colour- Brown Remedy- Distribute sweets to girls.

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Number- 5 Mercury is the lord. Will get benefits in the workplace. Chances of getting a job. Benefits in financial condition. Stalled money will come back. Relationships will be sweet in love relationship. Lucky Colour- Light Red Remedy- Offer red rose to Goddess Lakshmi

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Number - 6 Venus is the lord. Time will be pleasant. Will get benefit. Spoiled work will be done. Progress in business. If you were looking for love, then the search will end today. Health will remain good. Lucky Colour - Pink Remedy- Recite Kanak Dhara Stotra

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Number  7 Ketu is the lord. Can feel tension in the field and business. Avoiding the enemy. There can be condemnation in the workplace. Money can be cheated. Lucky Colour - Purple Remedy- Worship Goddess Lakshmi

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Number - 8 Saturn is the lord. Possibility of promotion in the field. Profit in business. Money will come and stop. There can be discord in the family due to mood swings. Lucky Colour- Light Blue Remedy- Donate sugar

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Number- 9 Mars is the lord. You can get good news related to job. Profit in business. Avoid spending unnecessary money. New relationship will start. Lucky Colour - Red Remedy- Donate Batashe