Non-Vegetarian Foods for Optimal Hair Growth


Maintaining a healthy diet is crucial for fostering hair growth and ensuring overall hair well-being

To support this, incorporating nutritious non-vegetarian foods into your meals can be beneficial

Chicken breast is a valuable source of lean proteins and vitamin B, both essential elements that play a crucial role in minimizing hair fall and promoting the growth of healthy hair.

Chicken breast

Including whole eggs in your diet provides a substantial amount of proteins and essential minerals like riboflavin, niacin, and potassium, all of which actively support and boost hair growth

Whole eggs

Shrimps are rich in vitamin B12, iron, and zinc, contributing to improved scalp health, nourished hair follicles, and the stimulation of hair growth


Salmon stands out as an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, which play a key role in nourishing the scalp and promoting robust and healthy hair growth
