Netflix Films That Might Make Family Movie Night a Bit Too Awkward


This dark comedy about dysfunctional relationships is not family-friendly. Avoid awkward explanations by keeping this one for solo viewing.

Hard Feelings

Watching this comedy about reliving the same humiliating hour over and over again with your parents might feel like a nightmare. Save yourself from embarrassment and watch it solo.


Despite the misleading title, this raunchy comedy is not suitable for family viewing. It's filled with risqué humor and adult content, so watch it alone to avoid embarrassment.

Thai Massage

This atmospheric horror film is best enjoyed alone due to its spine-tingling moments and dark themes. Watching it with your parents might lead to awkwardness.


Filled with steamy songs and intense drama, this Bollywood Musical might make for an awkward family movie night. Avoid the blushes and watch it solo.


Save yourself from uncomfortable comparisons and existential crises by watching this film alone. It hilariously depicts two dads engaged in a battle to prove who's the worst parent.

Father of the Year

Avoid explaining male anatomy over dinner with your parents by skipping this raucous comedy about friends on a disastrous camping trip where a certain appendage goes missing.

The Package