Natural Herbs to Keep Your Body Cool During Summer


Coriander leaves and seeds have cooling properties that can help reduce body heat when consumed regularly.


Fennel seeds are known for their cooling effect on the body and can be consumed directly or infused in water to make a refreshing drink.


This herb has a mild lemon flavor and is often used in teas to promote relaxation and cool the body.

Lemon Balm

Chamomile tea is known for its calming properties and can help cool the body and promote relaxation.


Known for its refreshing flavor, mint leaves can be added to drinks or salads to provide a cooling effect on the body.



Hibiscus tea is tart and refreshing, making it a great choice for cooling down on hot summer days.


Apart from its soothing properties for the skin, aloe vera can also be consumed in the form of juice or added to smoothies to cool down the body.

Aloe Vera