Naruto Shippuden: The Badass  Members of Akatsuki (Part 2) 

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Pain 'Everyone must know Pain'. Nagato became Pain to take revenge of his dearest friend Yahiko. Pain was the most powerful among all Akatsuki members. 

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Black and White Zetsu Prior to Tobi joining the Akatsuki, Black and White Zetsu assisted Tobi in approaching Nagato. Although they used to bicker, they never let it get in the way of their work or their objectives.

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Sasori Sasori summoned well over 200 puppets to try to kill Sakura and Chiyo. His puppetry was cruel, nihilistic, and impatient. Real people could be used as puppets by Sasori.

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Kakuzu To assasin his enemies, Kakuzu could pose as a massive octopus, he could even pull his body apart with enormous threads, causing rocks to break under the force of his blows.

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Kisame In combat, Kisame shows a desire to mutilate, and use violent water techniques to kill his opponent. Kisame had a shark blade, Samehada, which has the ability to ingest chakra.

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 Deidara The youngest member of Akatsuki, this explosion-obsessed artist comes from the Hidden Stone Village. He once had a encounter with Itachi Uchiha who put him under Genjutsu during his recruitment. 

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Juzo Juzo was powerful enough to use the Kubikiribch, his blade, which can regenerate using the iron collected from its victims' blood, to turn the battlefields red with the blood of his enemies.

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