Naruto Shippuden:  The Badass members of Akatsuki (Part 1)

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Nagato He became Pain for his darling friend Yahiko. With Reningan and training from Jiraiya, he was the most powerful shinobi in the world. 

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Yahiko Watching the mayhem left after the war, Yahiko created Akatsuki with the intention to bring peace. But his death changed the path of the group. 

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 Konan A simple girl but a skilled ninja, Konan always supported her Yahio and Nagato. She even died defending body of Nagato when self-claimed Madara came to get it. 

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Tobi He lived many lives behind the masks. Sometimes he was Madara Uchiha and sometimes, he was Tobi. But one thing that was sure is powers which almost defeated Minato. 

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Orochimaru One of the Legendry Sanin, Orochimaru was indeed powerful and vicious. He gathered so much hatred when he killed third Hokage Hiruzen Sarutobi. 

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Itachi Uchiha Bet if you can find anyone who hates Itachi. For whatever he did for Konoha, he is respected and loved. 

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 Hidan He did not die but one thing that changed for him was his God. Shikamaru took revenge of merciless death of his mentor Asuma and became the god of Hidan. 

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