Naruto: Master Jiraiya's dialogs prove  he was intense besides of "Pervy Sage" 

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"The true measure of a shinobi is not how he lives, but how he dies."

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"Getting dumped always makes a man stronger. But then again, men aren't  meant to pursue happiness."

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 "A wise one like Tsunade is meant to  be Hokage more than I, someone with  no motivation."

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 "You should bet that I’m going to die. Knowing your luck, you’ll definitely lose."

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 "Never go back on your word...and never give up. That's your ninja way...and as  your mentor...I have no business whining!"

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  "If you can’t accept and move past rejection, or at least use it as writing material - you’re not a real man."

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"Even I can tell that hatred is spreading.  I wanted to do something about it... but I don't know what."

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"I believe...that someday the day  will come when people truly understand  one another!"

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"Wherever someone thinks of you,  that's where home is."

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How sad that this will be the end twist to  the 'Tale of Jiraiya the Gallant'. What a worthless story it turned out to be."