Myths And Facts About Sawan You Should Know

Rishika Baranwal

Myth: No Water During Fasting

Fact: Staying hydrated is important. Many people drink water and consume fruits while fasting.

Myth: Only Women Fast

Fact: Both men and women observe fasts during Sawan to seek Lord Shiva's blessings.

Myth: Fasting Guarantees Marriage

Fact: Fasting is about devotion, not a guarantee for marriage. It’s a way to seek blessings for overall well-being.

Myth: Cutting Hair and Nails is Forbidden

Fact: There’s no religious mandate against cutting hair or nails during Sawan; it’s more of a traditional practice.

Myth: Offering Bel Patra Alone Pleases Lord Shiva

Fact: True devotion involves sincerity and prayer, not just specific rituals like offering Bel Patra.