Richa Singh

Must Try Dishes Of Kathiawadi Cuisine

Puran Poli

A jaggery-lentil stuffed flatbread that makes a perfect after-meal dish.

Adadiya Pak

A traditional Kathiyawadi dessert prepared with ingredients that help to keep the body warm on cold winter days.

Guvar Dhokli nu Shaak

A main course dish made with flour dumplings and cluster beans.

Kaju Karela

Crunchy and delicious bitter gourd stir-fry. Bitter gourd slices are tossed with jaggery, poppy seeds, cashews, and spices.

Lasaniya Bateta

Lasaniya means garlic and Bateta means potato. This is a spicy hot garlic-flavoured potato cooked with onion, tomato, and spices.


Extracted coconut palm tree flower buds, coconut sugar lower fructose content.

 One-pot mixed vegetable casserole cooked in a clay pot.