Must-Read Books Recommended By Elon Musk

Aman Trivedi

The Lord Of The Rings

Elon Musk suggests JRR Tolkien's amazing fantasy triology, 'The Lord Of The Rings.'

Benjamin Franklin by Walter Isaacson's

Walter Isaacson's account of Benjamin Franklin investigates the existence of perhaps one of America's most iconic figures.

Life 3.0 by Max Tegmark

Max Tegmark's book, 'Life 3.0,' analyzes the expected ramifications of fake general knowledge (AGI) on mankind.

Our Final Invention by James Barrat

James Barrat's 'Our Final Invention' digs further into the possible dangers and outcomes of creating computerized reasoning (simulated intelligence).

Act Of Love by Talulah Riley

Talulah Riley's 'Act Of Love' offers an intriguing investigation of connections and the intricacies of human association.

Game Of Thrones by George RR Martin 

George RR Martin's 'Game Of Thrones' series has spellbound crowds overall with its convincing story and plotline.

Superintelligence by Nick Bostrom

Nick Bostrom's 'Superintelligence'' digs into the expected ramifications of making man-made brainpower (simulated intelligence) outperforming human knowledge.

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