Movies To Watch Before You Turn 25


One takeaway from Good Will Hunting is Nobody's perfect, including the girl you've met. The key is whether both of you are a perfect match despite your imperfections

Good Will Hunting

One takeaway from the movie is After a youthful breakup, it's common to feel like those intense emotions won't be replicated. Yet, as time passes, you discover that new connections await. 

500 Days Of Summer

In "Fight Club (1999)," the key idea is We spend on unnecessary things with money we lack, just to impress people we aren't fond of, and Your possessions eventually take control of you.

Fight Club

One takeaway from "The Breakfast Club (1985)" is the importance of prioritizing personal development over the constant pursuit of impressing others.

The Breakfast Club

Life is Beautiful" (1997) is a poignant tale set during the Holocaust, highlighting the power of humor in adversity.

Life Is Beautiful

In 'Dead Poets Society (1989),' Mr. Keating imparts a valuable lesson: "Just when you think you know something, you have to look at it in another way. Even though it may seem silly or wrong, you must try

Dead Poets Society