Most Stunning Summer Flowers to Transform Your Home Garden


Also known as moss rose, portulaca is a drought-tolerant summer flower thriving in hot, sunny conditions. With flowers in shades of pink, orange, yellow, and red, these low-growing plants add vibrancy to any garden.


Jasmine flowers emit a delightful aroma, while their white color adds charm to any garden. With numerous varieties available, jasmine is also one of the easiest flowers to cultivate.


Best suited for hanging baskets, verbena features small, clustered flowers that dazzle with purple and deep red hues.


Bougainvillea, known for its soft, paper-like petals, is one of the easiest flowers to grow. It can be trained like vines in the garden, showcasing shades of pink, purple, and red, and requiring less watering.


Another beautiful summer flower, the hibiscus thrives even in direct sunlight, with petals that resist wilting compared to other flowers.


Dahlias, with their clustered blooms, are among the most exquisite flowers to cultivate in summer. Available in various colors, their delicate petals can adorn any space.


Known as the ‘flame-of-the-forest,’ Palash features stunning orange-red flowers that enhance green gardens with their beauty.
