Most Mispronounced Food Names

Rishika Baranwal

Lost in Translation

Exploring global cuisine is a joy, but mastering the pronunciation of exotic dishes can be tricky.

Quinoa (keen-wah)

Often mispronounced as "kwin-oh-uh" or "keen-oh-uh."

Bruschetta (broo-sket-tah)

Mistakenly said as "broo-shetta."

Pho (fuh)

Commonly pronounced as "foe" or "po."

Gyro (yee-roh)

Frequently mispronounced as "jy-roh" or "gee-roh."

Croissant (kwa-son)

Often heard as "kruh-sant."

Worcestershire Sauce (woos-ter-sheer)

A challenge with various incorrect pronunciations.

Tongue Twisters on Your Plate

Master these pronunciations to savor these dishes authentically!