Most Expensive Gemstones In The World 

Blue Diamond

The Blue Moon diamond holds the record for one of the most expensive gemstones ever sold at auction. Blue diamonds, in general, are highly valued for their rarity and intense color

Pink Star Diamond

This exceptionally rare pink diamond set a world record for the highest price ever paid for a gemstone at an auction

Blue Belle of Asia

This sapphire is one of the largest of its kind and holds a record as one of the most expensive sapphires ever sold


Musgravite is an extremely rare gemstone, and its high price is attributed to its scarcity. It is often mistaken for another rare gemstone, taaffeite

Red Diamonds

Red diamonds are among the rarest diamonds, and their deep red color contributes to their high value


The most valuable form of jade, jadeite, is highly sought after, especially in vibrant green colors. The price can vary widely depending on the quality and intensity of the green color

Blue Garnet

Blue garnets are unique because they can change color depending on the lighting conditions, ranging from blue-green in daylight to purplish-red under incandescent light


Taaffeite is a rare gemstone that is often mistaken for spinel. Its rarity contributes to its high market value

Pink Sapphire

While pink sapphires are generally more affordable than pink diamonds, the most vibrant and intense pink sapphires can command high prices


While pink sapphires are generally more affordable than pink diamonds, the most vibrant and intense pink sapphires can command high prices

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