Morning Routines To Reduce High Cholesterol 

Divya Pandey

Are you looking for a natural way to lower your bad cholesterol? Take a look at these 7 morning routines:

Lemon Water 

This hot drink is a great way to start the day because it's high in Vitamin C and can decrease cholesterol by generating bile.

Green Tea

Include green tea in your daily routine since it is a strong source of antioxidants and may help lower LDL cholesterol.


Yoga, meditation and deep breathing techniques can all help lower stress which may lower cholesterol.

Healthy Breakfast 

Have a breakfast high in fiber that consists of fruits, vegetables and whole grains.


Every day try to move for at least thirty minutes ideally first thing in the morning.

Processed Foods 

Due to their high sodium, cholesterol and unhealthy fat content, fat food and sugar drinks should be avoided.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Consume meals rich in omega-3 fatty acids because they have several health advantages.