Marvel: From Daredevil to Iron Fist,  these 7 OG heroes were mere ripoffs

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 Doctor Strange is actually a copy-paste of Doctor Druid. Druid has a first appearance as Dr. Droom which which Dr. Strange's prototype. 

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She-Hulk is a gender-swapped character for Hulk but she grew up more as hilarious and unique role. 

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Shang-Chi and Iron fist have several difference but both are the same characters basically. Initally Iron fit was just the "White Shang-Chi." 

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Wolverine took over Gambit's stardom but he was the OG bad boy with a mysterious past. 

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During the clone saga, Ben Reily almost replaced Peter Parker which was also the motive to build the character for. 

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Warpath and his brother Thunderbird are almost interchangable. Once Warpath dressed as his brother and joined X-Men and nobody noticed. 

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 Laura followed his father's footstep and jouned X-Men but she left as she was unabe to have that bonding with them. Afterwards, she emerged on her own. 

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