Kritika Handa

Make Korean Style Kimchi At Home

Soak chopped Napa cabbage in salted water for 1-2 hours to soften.

Brine The Cabbage

Mix garlic, ginger, fish sauce, sugar, and gochugaru for a spicy flavor base.

Prepare The Kimchi Paste

Thoroughly rinse the cabbage to remove excess salt, ensuring a balanced flavor.

Rinse And Drain

Combine the drained cabbage with carrots, daikon radish, and green onions in a bowl.

Mix The Vegetables

Add the kimchi paste to the vegetables and mix well to have a blast of flavours.

Combine With Paste

Transfer the mixture into a jar, pressing down to eliminate air bubbles.

Pack The Kimchi

Let the jar sit at room temperature for 1-5 days to develop flavor before refrigerating.


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