Lingkan Reang 

Make Gyathuk, A Traditional Sikkimese Noodle Soup

 Boil water and cook handmade or store-bought wheat noodles until tender, then drain and set aside.

Prepare The Noodles

 In a pot, heat vegetable oil, add chopped onions, garlic, and ginger, sautéing until fragrant.

Make The Broth

 Stir in diced carrots, bell peppers, and any other vegetables of your choice, cooking until slightly tender.

Add Vegetables

 Pour in vegetable or chicken broth, bringing it to a boil, then reduce heat to simmer.

Add Stock

 Add soy sauce, salt, and pepper to taste, allowing the flavours to meld for about 5-10 minutes.

Season The Soup

 Add the cooked noodles to the broth, garnish with fresh coriander or spring onions, and serve hot.

Combine And Serve

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