Lingkan Reang 

Make Delicious Chicken Kothey Momo At Home

Mix all-purpose flour, water, and salt to make a smooth dough, and let it rest for 20 minutes.

Prepare Dough

 Sauté minced chicken with garlic, ginger, onions, soy sauce, and seasoning.

Make Filling

Roll the dough thin, cut it into circles, place the filling in the centre, and fold into half-moon shapes.

Shape Momo

 Steam the momos in a steamer for 10-12 minutes until they are cooked.

Steam Momos

 Heat oil in a pan and fry the steamed momos until golden and crispy on the bottom.

Pan-fry Momos

 Serve hot with spicy chutney or dipping sauce of your choice!


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