Luxurious Getaways Where The Indian Rupee Shines

Samridhi Garg


Indonesia offers luxury at affordable prices, with stunning resorts in Bali, pristine beaches, and rich cultural experiences that make your rupee go further.


Vietnam boasts exquisite landscapes, luxurious hotels, and gourmet cuisine, all at a fraction of the cost compared to Western destinations, making it an ideal spot for Indian travelers.

Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka, with its breathtaking beaches, lush tea plantations, and luxurious resorts, offers great value for money, allowing for a lavish holiday without breaking the bank.


Thailand's opulent resorts, vibrant nightlife, and serene beaches provide a luxurious yet affordable escape for Indian tourists, with the rupee holding strong against the baht.


Nepal combines luxury with adventure, offering stunning mountain views, upscale lodges, and rich cultural heritage, all at a favorable exchange rate for the Indian rupee.


Bhutan's serene environment, luxury hotels, and unique cultural experiences come at a reasonable cost for Indian travelers, with the rupee enjoying parity with the Bhutanese ngultrum.


Cambodia, with its majestic temples, luxury accommodations, and rich history, offers an affordable yet lavish holiday experience, with the Indian rupee having strong purchasing power.


While known for luxury, the Maldives offers a range of high-end resorts and experiences that are surprisingly affordable for Indian travelers due to favorable exchange rates.

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