Look Ripped Like SRK In Pathaan With  9 Secret Fitness Tips

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Shah Rukh Khan has time and again shown massive body transformation throughout his career. Here are 9 secret fitness tips that made SRK look ripped in Pathaan.

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Did Heavy Weight Training SRK began doing a lot of heavy lifting for his ripped and muscular appearance in Pathaan.

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Eat Small Meals Shah Rukh divides his caloric intake into several little meals throughout the day to keep his metabolism pumping.

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Combined Workout He did a combination workout of more than 45 minutes that includes rehab exercises, strength training, and cardio.

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 Eat A Balanced Plate He ate foods high in protein and pre-workout snacks with carbohydrates to keep him energetic throughout his workout sesh. SRK ate eggs, lentils, and lean meat- a diet high in protein to promote muscle building.

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Work out Consistently Despite being one of the busiest actors in the B-town, SRK took out time for his fitness too. He would normally work out late in the evening if he's short on time.

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Never misses his post-workout meal After a strenuous workout, SRK consumes a protein drink to aid with muscle recovery.

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 Eliminate sugar from your diet The King Khan has restricted artificial sugar in his diet but loves to eat fresh fruits as a macronutrient supplement.

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Strength-trained Everyday He appears bigger and bulkier than ever because he strength-trained hard for the action-packed role in Pathaan.

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Stay Hydrated Drink water and other fluids like coconut water and fruit juices to stay hydrated and aid muscle recovery and detox.

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