Literature Trivia: 7 Books That Were Banned For Being Too 'Dangerous'

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Fifty Shades Of Grey by EL James British author Erika Leonard aka E.L.James erotica novel was banned in 3 American states and Malaysia for its pornographic content.

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Ulysses by James Joyce The book was released in 1920, but the novel wasbanned for being obscene even before it was published as a complete novel.

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Alice's Adventures In Wonderland by Lewis Caroll This classic was published in 1865, however in  1990 the book was banned by an American school  as it considered the story to have explicites and  sexual fantasies.

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The Satanic Verses by Salman Rushdie It was publish in 1988. Controversy centered around the novel's references to the Satanic Verses of the Quran, and came to include larger debate about censorship and religious violence, as per Wikipedia.

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Animal Farm by George Orwell This book was written as a satire against  communism and as result it was banned in the  Soviet Union when it was released.

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1984 by George Orwell After Animal Farm was banned, the author  wrote his dystopian novel '1984', that was also  banned by Stalin.

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Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler The German dictator's autobiography was  published in 1925. As per a report by Britannic,  after World War 2, various efforts were made to  limit the access to the work.