Legendary Films That Have Made Cinematic History

Aniket Raj

Stalker (1979)

Known for its tumultuous production, Stalker is ironically filled with characters obsessed with art's destruction.

Oldboy (2003)

Park Chan-wook's 2003 thriller feels like it's teleported from a sinister world, leaving an indelible mark.

Seven Samurai (1954)

Kurosawa's Seven Samurai birthed a genre, echoing Chris Hedges' assertion that war gives life meaning.

In the Mood for Love (2000)

Wong Kar-wai's masterpiece revels in the beauty of the ordinary, devoid of grand gestures or passionate soliloquies.

Pather Panchali (1955)

Satyajit Ray's debut, Pather Panchali, paints a vivid portrait of a Bengali family in a village setting.

Sholay (1975)

Sholay epitomizes the masala film genre, blending heroism, villainy, redemption, revenge, and love.\