Know The Ways To Save Electricity In This Summer

Aman Trivedi

Roof Insulation

Use an effectively insulated ceiling on the roof if possible to save electricity in the scorching summers.

Manage Degrees

Every degree in air conditioner below 24 degrees can add 10% to your bill.

Solar Energy

Use of solar energy is the most effective way to save electricity this summer, solar hot water systems can also help you to avoid gas charges using a gas-fired water heater.


While using a dishwasher use the economy cycle to save electricity, also switch off the dryer after the wash cycle so that dishes can air dry.

Use Of Fridge

The ideal temperature for your fridge is 4 or 5 degrees celsius and -15 to -18 degrees celsius for freezing point.

Use Of LED Lights

Shift from normal halogen light to LED lights to save electricity, also an LED light is more efficient than the normal light.

Keep The Curtain Closed

Always keep the window curtain closed to block the direct sunlight coming during the day, and it will minimise the use of air conditioners.

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