Know The Don'ts Of Yoga: Things To Avoid

Aman Trivedi

Don't Overstretch

Avoid overstretching your body right from the beginning, always begin with an easier step and then move to the challenge.


Weather plays a crucial role when you breathe, avoid yoga during extreme conditions, when it's too high or low, in that case, you can practice yoga at home.

Yoga After Eating

Never perform yoga just after eating anything, wait for 2-3 hours and give your body some time to digest the food.

Proper Clothing

Avoid practising yoga while wearing tight clothes, as it can lead to restricting the movement of the rib cage.


It is always advised to take a shower after Yoga but not immediately, first let your body cool down.

Avoid Yoga During Menstruation

Do not do the 'feet up' poses while menstruating, instead of it, always perform simple breathing exercises and relaxation poses.

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