Keep Your Broken Heart Plants Thriving with These Essential Tips


Broken heart plants, featuring large heart-shaped leaves, thrive in well-draining standard potting mixtures, enhancing your home decor.

Ensure the soil remains moist to support healthy growth


Position your broken heart plant in bright, indirect sunlight for optimal growth. Avoid direct sunlight exposure to prevent the delicate foliage from burning


Maintain regular watering, typically two to three times a week, ensuring to water from the base of the plant. This helps maintain adequate moisture levels for healthy development


Being a tropical plant, the broken heart plant thrives in environments with higher humidity levels. Aim for temperatures between 18°C to 30°C to provide an ideal growing condition

Temperature and Humidity

Enhance the growth of your broken heart plant by feeding it once a month with liquid fertilizers or organic options like vermicompost. This helps supply essential nutrients for robust growth
