Island Of Cats: Explore An Island Where Cats Outnumber Humans


Introduction To Tashirojima

Tashirojima, The Cat Island is a small island near Japan's northeast coast and is known for having more cat population than humans, and people living there have built a Cat Shrine.

The Legend Of The Cat Shrine

Tashirojima boasts a population of more cats than people. The island's inhabitants cherish cats so much that they built a Cat Shrine to show respect and love to them.

Tashirojima's Resilience

Despite facing challenges like the 2011 tsunami, Tashirojima's unique lifestyle endures, showcasing the strong bond between its people and cats.

Tashirojima In Present-Days

Today, Tashirojima is home to around 100 cats and 50 people. Visitors can take a leisurely stroll along the 2 km road, interact with the grooming cats

Cultural Attractions

Beyond its feline residents, Tashirojima offers unique attractions. Visitors can explore cat-themed art and enjoy the serene environment i Khan and Amrita Singh.

Preserving Tashirojima's Legacy

Tashirojima maintains its distinctive charm by welcoming visitors responsibly and supporting community initiatives, ensuring its legacy endures.

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