Is It Possible To Gain Weight Overnight? Know The Facts

Aman Trivedi

Is It Possible To Gain a Kilo In a Day

You have to consume 3500 extra calories in a day, which is practically impossible, the fluctuation in weight is water weight, and there are lot of things make you gain overnight.

Intense Workout

Heavy workout leads to microscopic tears in muscles which lead to inflammation and the pooling of fluids around the muscle cells, making you look puffy.

Salt Intake

Excess sodium intake leads to immediate water weight gain, too much consumption of it can also lead to constipation.

Dinner Late at Night

Pushing back your dinner timing may also lead to fluctuation in weight the next morning due to undigested food in the body.

New Medication

Some medications can also lead to the fluctuation of weight, they can either cause your body to retain water or even reduce your metabolism.

Alcohol Intake

Alcohol contains empty calories, you consume more calories without feeling full, which is also dehydrating, and leads to water retention and weight fluctuation.


Not consuming enough fluid can lead your kidneys to start to conserve fluids, and all the gained weight goes back to normal after a few days of hydrating properly.

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