Priyanka Negi

Is 10,000 Steps A Day Just A Myth?

The 10,000-Step Rule Is Arbitrary

It wasn’t based on science—it actually came from a marketing campaign in Japan in the 1960s.

You Don’t Need That Many Steps For Health Benefits

Research shows that even 7,000 steps per day can lower the risk of early death.

Quality Over Quantity Matters More

A brisk 30-minute walk can be more effective than slowly reaching 10,000 steps.

Strength Training & Other Exercises Matter Too

Relying only on steps ignores muscle strength, flexibility, and overall fitness.

Listen To Your Body

For some, 10,000 steps may be too much or not enough depending on fitness levels and goals.


What’s The Right Number Of Steps For You?

Experts suggest anywhere between 6,000-8,000 steps per day is enough for most people.


The Key Takeaway

Instead of fixating on numbers, focus on consistent movement, intensity, and overall health.


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