Richa Singh

Interesting Facts You Must Know about Sundarban

Mangrove Forest

Sundarbans has the world’s largest coastal forest, around 10,000 km2 shared between India and Bangladesh.

 The tidal phenomenon of Sundarban

Sundarbans during the high tides will give you the opportunity to explore the forest and the wild animals by boat.

Home of the Bengal tigers

 It is one of the largest cat species in the world. It is estimated that there are around 400 Royal Bengal Tigers living in the Sundarbans.

102 islands

Sundarbans, which is spread across 4000 sqm, out of these 102 islands, 54 are inhabited by people, while the rest of the area is covered by forests.

Gosaba island

Extracted coconut palm tree flower buds, coconut sugar lower fructose content.

Gosaba is the biggest and last inhabited island on Sundarbans, located on the Indian side.

Largest fishery board in India

Extracted coconut palm tree flower buds, coconut sugar lower fructose content.

Sundarbans Biosphere Reserve is said to be the country's largest fishery board and is famed for its brackish marine fisheries and fish production.