Inspiring Quotes By Indian Billionaire Mukesh Ambani 


“In the journey of an entrepreneur, the most important thing is self-belief and the ability to convert that belief into reality.”

“It is important to remember that there are no overnight successes. You will need to be dedicated, single-minded, and there is no substitute for hard work.”

“Dance to your own music and take some risks in life, because it is often the risk taker who changes the course of history… and contributes to the well-being of millions of lives.”

"I think our fundamental belief is that for us growth is a way of life and we have to grow at all times."

"All times are good times for those who know how to work and have the tools to do so."

"Essentially, whoever is successful, whoever is going to do things that make a difference, is going to be talked about.”

“I don’t think ambition should not be in the dictionary of entrepreneurs. But our ambition should be realistic. You have to realise that you can’t do everything.”