Inspirational Quotes by Sadguru


"Yoga is not just about twisting and turning; it’s about existing in union with the rest of the creation."

"If you start appreciating what is happening in your life right now, instead of thinking about what should have happened, you will be happier."

 "If you can sit in perfect balance and stillness when you are alone, then you have understood something fundamental about life."

"The sign of intelligence is that you are constantly wondering. Idiots are always dead sure about every damn thing they are doing in their life."

"There is no such thing as good or bad energy; there is just energy. It is the way you handle it that makes it good or bad."

"Don’t believe anything; don’t disbelieve anything. If you believe, you will become full of belief. If you disbelieve, you will become full of disbelief. You have to look at everything neutrally."

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