India's Oldest Temples


Constructed by the Pandya Dynasty in the 6th century CE, this sprawling complex dedicated to Parvati is renowned for its intricate sculptures and colorful architecture,

Meenakshi Temple, Madurai

Dating back to the 6th century BCE, this Shiva temple is among the oldest in South India, featuring several shrines, sculptures, and inscriptions.

Parashurameswara Temple, Thiruvanmiyur

A UNESCO World Heritage Site, this temple is where Siddhartha Gautama attained enlightenment and became the Buddha

Mahabodhi Temple, Bodh Gaya

Dedicated to the goddess Durga, this temple, dating back to the 2nd century BCE, is one of India's oldest, with the current structure from the Gupta period.

Mundeshwari Devi Temple, Bihar

Built in the 7th century CE by the Pallava dynasty, this Dravidian-style temple is one of the oldest South Indian temples and a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Shore Temple, Mahabalipuram

Believed to originate in the 1st century BCE, this ancient Shiva temple features multiple shrines, gopurams (gateway towers), and a large tank.

Adi Kumbeshwar Temple, Kumbakonam

Carved from a single rock face in the 8th century CE by the Rashtrakuta dynasty, this architectural marvel is dedicated to Lord Shiva.

Kailasa Temple, Aurangabad