Indian Summer Beverages Good For Digestive Health

Simran Rajpal 

A classic Indian beverage prepared by diluting yogurt with water and seasoned with spices like roasted cumin powder, black salt, and mint leaves. Buttermilk is renowned for its cooling effects and is beneficial for digestion.

Buttermilk (Chaas)

A sweet and tangy drink crafted from raw mangoes, Aam Panna is high in Vitamin C and supports digestion. It’s flavored with roasted cumin powder, black salt, and mint leaves, typically served cold.

Aam Panna

This invigorating drink combines cumin seeds, mint leaves, tamarind, and assorted spices. Known for aiding digestion, Jaljeera is often served as a pre-meal or welcome drink during hot summers.


A naturally hydrating beverage rich in electrolytes, coconut water not only quenches thirst but also aids digestion due to its mineral content. It's light, refreshing, and nutritious.

Coconut Water

Fresh mint leaves blended with lemon juice, sugar, and water create a revitalizing summer drink that also supports digestion. Mint’s cooling properties complement lemon’s detoxifying benefits.

Mint Lemonade (Pudina Sharbat)

Though not typically associated with summer, ginger tea can be enjoyed hot or cold. Ginger’s renowned digestive properties can help alleviate stomach discomfort and promote overall digestive wellness.

Ginger Tea (Adrak Chai)