Kritika Handa

⁠Impact AQI Can Have On Your Health

Poor AQI can aggravate respiratory conditions like asthma and bronchitis, leading to increased symptoms and breathing difficulties.

Respiratory Health Risks

Elevated AQI levels contribute to cardiovascular issues, such as heart attacks and hypertension, by causing inflammation and stress on the heart.

Cardiovascular Effects

Children exposed to high AQI levels are at greater risk of developing respiratory problems, reduced lung function, and developmental issues.

Impact On Children

Elderly individuals are more vulnerable to health impacts from poor AQI, including exacerbated respiratory and cardiovascular conditions, and decreased overall health.

Effect On Elderly

High AQI can worsen chronic diseases like diabetes and COPD, leading to more severe symptoms and complications in affected individuals.

Risks Of Chronic Diseases

Poor air quality has been linked to increased stress and anxiety, potentially affecting overall mental health and cognitive function.

Mental Health Implications