Kritika Handa

Hydration Hacks: How to Drink More Water Daily

Add fruits like lemon, berries, or cucumber for flavor and extra nutrients.

Infuse Water With Fruits

Use apps or reminders to set and track your daily water intake goals.

Set Daily Water Goals

Keep a water bottle with you always for easy access and eco-friendly hydration.

Carry A Reusable Water Bottle

Get into the habit of drinking water before eating to increase daily intake.

Drink A Glass Before Every Meal

Drinking through a straw can help you consume more water effortlessly and quickly.

Use A Straw

Include foods like watermelon, cucumber, and oranges in your diet for extra hydration.

Eat Water-Rich Foods

Add mint, ginger, or basil to your water for a refreshing twist without added sugar.

Flavor With Herbs And Spices

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